Sunday 10 April 2011

How did you use new media technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages of your main text?

Through out all of the stages of my project, the use of new media technology was essential. During the research and planning stages I needed to use the internet to discover the market and audience of music videos, through this I was able to view online, videos, pictures and interviews with bands, directors and audience members. The internet allowed me to communicate to an audience over social networking and explore views of the masses, something that would not have been possible without the use of the internet. I visited blogs of bands to discover their target audiences, as well as joining groups on Facebook, Twitter and Myspace to observe comments expressing the audience response. I used this information to inform my decisions when planning my own music videos to show how my research was helpful to me and how I applied the knowledge I gained to my own work.

Throughout the construction of my music video many aspects involved the use of media technology such as; filming and post-production. To film my music video I used a High Definition handy cam, stored on SD cards it meant I could take the shots I filmed and upload them to any computer for post-production. The use of SD cards allowed me to simply upload the chosen clips and then clear the space for more filming. The camera was obviously the most essential piece of kit needed for the shoot, so from this I learnt the importance of using new media technology. As-well as filming the camera picked up intense detail, making the shots more vivid and realistic. This was down to the quality of the camera, however without a slow motion mode the clips would need to be slowed and sped up in post-production. Through use of movie editing software on Macs such as imovie, the post-production stages allowed me to have total control over my work. Certain aspects such as cutting, colour correction, speed and steadying helped enormously to bring the work together. Some say that it is the editing, not the directing that makes a movie, and I totally agree, through the use of editing I was able to give the video a sense of pace and rhythm through the cutting, choosing the exact moments of footage and applying them to set times in the song. The obvious evidence of the use of media technology in my video is through colour changing to create narrative. I made the skies purple in post production to link with the narrative and story of the piece. This shows how I used media technology to create and convey narrative through my work.

Finally through the distribution and evaluation stages, I used online distribution through sites such as Youtube and Vimeo to show my video online. This also helped to gather a wider audience response and feedback from commenting and messaging. I was able to view my video and deconstruct it to evaluate and analyse it. I also overlapped the original track of music with a voice over of my directors commentary. This allowed me to show my views on the video and express the problems I faced during filming, post-production and more importantly how I solved them.

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